ISnAP March 2016

ISnAP March 2016




Welcome to the March 2016 issue of ISnAP.

The International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) is an international nonprofit organization whose membership spans the entire spectrum of aviation and aerospace photography. It includes full-time professional photographers, graphic artists, writers, historians, editors, publishers, pilots, and serious enthusiasts. Membership is open to anyone interested in aviation and aerospace photography.

In the March issue of ISnAP

John Freedman takes us down under to Australia and we take a look at the first aviation event of 2016. The Great Eastern Flyin at Evans Head. Gary Daniels takes us airborne to jump out of C47/DC-3’s with the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team. Then back to Normandy,France with ISAP editor Kevin Hong and The Ladies for Liberty Wanda Martin.

Our popular ISAP “Meet the Member” profiles members Andrew Krob, Bonnie Kratz, David Byrne,Michael Carter and Yvette Walter

Doug Glover shares with readers his thoughts on Collaboration and Creativity with aviation photography.

Phil Makanna shares his image and information in “How I Got The Shot”

John Ford’s new aircraft drawings will test your memory skills with the Mystery Plane Silhouettes.

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