Marc Sherman
Aviation and photography have been Marc’s lifelong passions. He enjoys the beauty, engineering, power, and sounds of aircraft, the natural blend of form and function that they embody, and the art of photographing them. As a child in Israel, his eyes constantly scanned for Phantoms, Skyhawks, Kfirs, and, later, F-15s and F-16s.
An American kid in Tel Aviv on July 4, 1976, he vaguely recalls celebrating the US bicentennial; more memorable, though – it was the day the hostages were rescued from Entebbe aboard IAF C-130s. Back home in New York and everywhere else, if it is a flying machine, Marc wants to look at it, learn about it, fly in it, and most of all shoot it.
Although fate turned him from dreams of being a pilot or pro photographer to a career in law, he continues to indulge his passions now more than ever.